#3— IFTTT and Google Sheets: Capture Tweets with Specific Hashtag

Any Tweet with #FuturesThoughts posted to Twitter is added to a Google Sheet

Don Tomoff
2 min readJun 15, 2017

The Challenge?

I serve on a Committee for St Edward High School called the “Futures Committee” where our goal is to look out and create an awareness of trends, etc. that will have an impact on the mission of the school and the education of the students.

The Committee decided to “flag” or aggregate content that the Committee members considered relevant and meaningful by sharing it on Twitter with the hashtag #FuturesThoughts.

I use IFTTT to “scrape” these tweets and post them as a new row to a Google Sheet.

#FuturesThoughts tweets to Google Sheet

The Goal

Here is my outline of expected ongoing effort on my part:

  • Tweet any relevant content (#FuturesThoughts),
  • Add categories, to facilitate filtering later, in Google Sheets,
  • Open Excel, click the “refresh” button, and
  • Have all my content current, accessible, and analyzable, within Excel, and
  • Every 2 weeks — share content and distribute to the Committee group.

The Process

Here is the workflow:

Twitter hashtag — IFTTT — Google Sheets

IFTTT — Applet ID 33351656d

“Search Twitter #FuturesThoughts and add row to a Google spreadsheet”

Automation End Result

I automated the back-end of this process as well. A Microsoft Excel file I created imports the Google Sheet list of tweet posts into Excel and enables me to share the content. Every 2 weeks, I email a PDF of the most recent posts — all linked back to the tweets.

About Don

“On a mission to challenge the status quo to a more productive and effective end…”

Don is passionate about helping professionals and organizations keep up and adapt to the changing business world that we operate in.

“What Do You Do?”

I frequently get this question. My response (it’s not what you think!)? Check it out here!

Connect with Don!

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Don Tomoff

It’s time for DIFFERENT— On a mission to challenge the status quo to a more productive and effective end… #digital #Excel #data #analytics #genai #chatgpt